My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


I have begun submitting images at StockFresh - as I said earlier, I am not expecting any sales for quite a while though.

My contributor application went through in five days and my images have been inspected in under three hours, so StockFresh seem to have got their earlier backlogs under control. So far my acceptance rate has been running at about 70% with the majority of rejections being for soft focus once again. I would suggest that anyone using a D300 or similar camera downsize their images before submitting there. If you do have images rejected then you need to click on the wee red dot next to them to find out the reason - I initially thought they didn't give a reason, but actually it is just well hidden. StockFresh have an upload limit of 50 images per day.

My images have been in Crestock's queue for well over a week now.
ETA - Crestock images inspected after a week and a half, so not too bad after all.

1 comment:

  1. I submitted my first 10 images to StockFresh over the weekend, and your post was a reminder to me to check now on their processing status. I see that 9 of 10 were accepted, one rejected for "focal point not suitable for this image" - which confuses me based on the image, but I'm not going to worry about it. Nine accepted out of 10 ain't bad. I'll take it!

    What I'm finding really interesting is which agencies accept/reject which photos as I'm submitting the same to each/all.

    Seems, based on my initial 10 submissions, that my choices aren't too similar and aren't overly processed - which I'm thrilled about. I intentionally chose 10 initial submissions that could have been dinged for similarity or heavy processing.

    Here are the 9 accepted at StockFresh:

    And here's the lone wolf StockFresh reject over at CanStockPhoto:
