My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

Sunday, 17 October 2010

I know you are out there, I can hear you breathing...

I have had a bit of feedback that some of you haven't been able to post comments on here due to not having a blogger account. I have now changed the settings to allow anyone to comment and also to allow anonymous comments. Please do post if you have any comments or questions, it is good to get feedback and a bit like talking to myself otherwise.

I am also aware that the link to my Dreamstime portfolio isn't working - that is because they still haven't reviewed any of my images yet. I will let you know when that happens.

Many thanks for all the positive comments I have received so far.


  1. Keep talking to yourself - you are not alone ;) Enjoy the break and let us know how your studio is working out.

  2. Goodluck. Even though I don't have many files I'm joining you.
