My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

Friday, 29 October 2010

New portfolio links added

I have added a few more portfolio links on the bar above, having had images go live now on Dreamstime, Fotolia and Bigstock. I have a few more images to be inspected at Fotolia but would expect those to go through later today. I was hesitant about uploading there as I had heard about them cutting commision levels in the past (are they iStock in disguise?), but an indie friend convinced me that as one of the 'big four' (Shutterstock, iStock, Dreamstime and Fotolia), I should really be selling there. Their review times are very quick and inspections seem fair so far. Once the rest of my images there go through I will post a bit more about inspections as I will have an (admittedly small) comparative study to offer now that my 'first fifty' have done the rounds. An interesting pattern has emerged.....

My sales have been good at iStock, aparently bearing out my opinion that at exclusive prices my files were too expensive there. I have been pleasantly surprised by sales there as I had expected to be wiped out by the best-match non-exclusive penalty. It may be that these sales have come from images which were previously lightboxed by buyers and that I will not feel the full effect of poorer BM placement until a bit later on. But I am guessing, cos who knows? It is too early to tell so is all just guesswork at this stage.

There have been some interesting discussions going on in the 'comments' sections of these posts so be sure to check those out if you haven't done so already.


  1. "My sales have been good at iStock, apparently bearing out my opinion that at exclusive prices my files were too expensive there. I have been pleasantly surprised by sales there as I had expected to be wiped out by the best-match non-exclusive penalty."

    That is GREAT news. So glad to hear it. Another iStocker who's yet to de-crown has been de-E+ing files and has seen a near instant uptick in downloads of said files. Same-day results, even. Wow!

  2. I am not making a great deal of money there though, but selling a lot of xs's, hopefully as comps for future designs. I really don't think iStock is going in the right direction with their pricing - it seems completely crazy to me that they are trying to recreate the model (ie Getty) which they blew out of the water when they first came onto the scene. That said, I do feel quite detached from it all now, which is a good thing cos I really didn't need the stress of worrying what they were going to think up next...

  3. It also seems that the new collection on istock is just different photos from the people who were in the vetta club.
