My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


There is an interesting new agency that has appeared lately - Warmpicture. It is run by an ex-iStock exclusive, who left at about the same time as I did. He has established the agency on the admirable principle of providing stockers a place to sell their work without making a profit. As such the agency takes just 20% of revenue. It is still in it's infancy and portfolios are vetted before you can be accepted. Once accepted though, you are expected to self-police and be responsible enough to only submit work that is technically and legally sound. It is a worthy endeavour and I really hope Dan succeeds with it. Please check it out and pass the link on to any of your buyer friends:


  1. Intriguing, indeed. Thanks for posting this!

    1. Since posting this I have received an email from Dan, who says he is moving the agency more towards midstock in it's pricing and pitch. I haven't got many images uploaded there yet, so I need to get on with it as any sale would be hugely lucrative. I forgot to mention that Dan is an ex-iS exclusive who left at about the same time as me, I will add that in above.
